ERP Picker

Design creation in a CAD system is not a stand-alone, isolated process. It needs the correct data, preferably at the very beginning, so that the consequent processes can follow seamlessly.

Access ERP system data directly from Autodesk Inventor and transfer it to design data properties

When designers search in the ERP for information such as stock material dimensions, current purchased parts availability, material quality, prices, etc., and then retype that information manually in the CAD system, the risk of production errors and delays increases.

To avoid these issues, Holixa ERP Picker is an Autodesk Inventor add-on that allows direct access to the ERP system to search for and assign the ERP attributes’ values to the 3D document’s iProperties.

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Enhance product data communication

Based on the chosen configuration, save a minimum of 45% of time spent on searching and transferring the data from the ERP system to the Inventor 3D model.

• Preview the information directly in Inventor, without the need to open the ERP system client.
• Write information from the ERP system directly into the 3D model properties at the very early stage of the design process.
– Correct matching of the manufactured part, its stock material, and other required information.
– No more for manual re-typing of data.
– Preparation of the documentation for Autodesk Vault – ability to bind a metallurgical material item in Autodesk Vault BOM management environment (a creation of a BOM binding).
– Faster processing of customer orders.

  • Data lookup into ERP system (call up ERP’s data table).
  • Search, filter, and sort information from ERP system.
  • Add ERP system values (i.e. stock #) to custom iProperties in Inventor 3D part/assembly document.
  • Copy values from the ERP system.
  • Export values to a file.
  • Automatic filter for sheet metal thickness.
  • Different configurations of data visibility, filtering, iProperty mapping.
  • Option to test a connection to the ERP system.

Holixa ERP Picker can also be used as a standalone application (out of Inventor) to ease data lookup into an ERP system and export values to a file.

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